Knowledge translation and the Gender Matters (GeMa) study

Dr. Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes
Knowledge translation (KT) has come to be considered an essential part of the research process, and communicating findings to study participants is a key component of KT. This summer, Dr. Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes and SPPH MSc students, Heather Palis and Kirsten Marchand, will be leading a KT meeting with the participants of the Gender Matters (GeMa) study. GeMa investigated health, drug use, addiction treatment, and victimization among long-term opioid dependent men and women.

The meeting will bring study participants together in their community to learn about the study’s findings and about the concept of knowledge translation. The meeting will pilot a “knowledge sharing” meeting format with participants and will inform improved methods of engaging the participant community in the knowledge translation process. Discussions will focus on determining the relevance of study findings to participants, and on developing better communication between patients and health care providers to improve experiences in health care and addiction treatment.

Source: SPPH Summer activities series