Award Opportunities


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CJG Mackenzie Teaching Prize
Description: This prize is named for Dr. Cortlandt John Gordon (C.J.G.) Mackenzie. Dr. Mackenzie received his MD from Queen's University in 1951. He moved to B.C. that year and began private practice. In 1954 he joined the provincial Ministry of Health: first as Director of the Peace River Health Unit, later of the West Kootenay, Selkirk, and Central Vancouver Island units. In 1963 he joined the Faculty of Medicine at UBC and became the Acting Chairman of the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology 1969 to 1973. He was Head of the Department from 1973 to 1980. Dr. Mackenzie passed away in 2013
Eligibility: The prize is awarded for the highest scores on students' evaluations of course teaching in the School of Population and Public Health.
George Elliot Award for lifetime contribution to public health in B.C.
Description: This mid to late career award is named for Dr. George Robert Ford Elliot, who was born in British Columbia in 1912. He was Acting Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of British Columbia in the sixties and after 10 years as Assistant Deputy Minister, was appointed Deputy Minister of Community Health Programs in 1972. Dr. Elliot’s long-standing concern for the promotion of health and prevention of disease has been expressed by his untiring commitment as on the boards of directors for numerous voluntary organizations, including CPHA, where he served as chairman of the Medical Care Section. He authored articles and papers published in the professional journals, embracing the various facets of his professional interests and activities. In recognition of his outstanding contribution as a leader in Public Health in British Columbia and in Canada, Dr. George Robert Ford Elliot was awarded CPHA’s Honorary Life Membership in 1975
Deadline: Annually, in early February/March
Request for nominees is sent to all B.C. medical health officers, members Public Health Association of B.C., Environmental Health Officers and Public Health Nurse Leaders in B.C., and SPPH faculty.
James M. Robinson Award for significant contributions to public health
Description: This mid-career award is named for Dr. James McClure Robinson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology. Dr. Robinson joined the Department in 1974 and passed away in 1982.
Deadline: Annually, in early February/March
Request for nominees is sent to all B.C. medical health officers, members Public Health Association of B.C., Environmental Health Officers and Public Health Nurse Leaders in B.C., and SPPH faculty.

Spring Start Up Funds
Description: A maximum of $5,000 will be awarded to the successful applicant in the first two years of a full-time faculty appointment as Assistant Professor and higher, or a Clinical faculty appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor and higher in the Faculty of Medicine. Funds to be used for research equipment, research supplies and/or research services and research support salaries.
More Info: Website
Awards for Excellence in Mentoring Early Career Faculty
Description: To recognize faculty members who have formally been identified as mentors and who exemplify a deep commitment to fostering the professional and personal development of faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers. Up to three 1,000 cash awards are available.
More Info: Website
Bill and Marilyn Webber Lifetime Achievement Award
Description: Recognizes extraordinary members of the Faculty of Medicine who have had sustained distinguished careers at UBC in the areas of research, teaching and/or service.
More Info: Website


President's Award for Public Education through Media

Description: A $3,000 research stipend presented to a faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding service to the University and the community by sharing research expertise via the news media.
More Info: Website
UBC Killam Teaching Prizes
Description: Adjudicated within each Faculty and recognized university-wide. The prizes are awarded annually, from the Killam Endowment Fund, to faculty nominated by students, colleagues, and alumni in recognition of excellence in teaching.
More Info: Website
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Award for Outstanding Contribution to Faculty Development in Canada
Description: In order to emphasize the importance of faculty development and to recognize an individual or a group in Canada who has made an exceptional contribution in the area of Faculty Development, AFMC is pleased to offer the Award for Outstanding Contribution to Faculty Development in Canada. In nominating candidates, nominators should take into consideration the breadth of the nominees' faculty development program, its regional, national or international impact, and how the nominees have promoted the field of faculty development.
More Info: Website
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Young Educators Award
Description: The AFMC Young Educators Award recognizes individuals within their first seven years as a faculty member who have produced change within their university or within the medical community as a whole through their vision, work, and interaction with colleagues. The award is open only to candidates with MD or graduate degrees. Nominees will often be recognized as outstanding teachers but this in itself will not be the basis for the award.
More Info: Website
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) John Ruedy Award for Innovation in Medical Education
Description: The AFMC - John Ruedy Award for Innovation in Medical Education will be awarded to an individual or group who has developed innovative print materials, electronic learning aids or other teaching aids. These Canadian innovations can take the form of textbooks, software, CD-ROMS or other technology that has aided medical education initiatives in undergraduate, postgraduate or continuing medical education.
More Info: Website
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) May Cohen Gender Equity Award
Description: The award recognizes outstanding effort or achievement of an individual(s), program(s), department(s) or faculty in improving the gender equity environment in academic medicine in Canada.
More Info: Website
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) President's Award for Exemplary National Leadership in Academic Medicine
Description: The award recognizes excellence for national leadership in academic medicine. Activities might include providing leadership on national collaborative activities that provide frameworks for curriculum in health education; guidelines for faculty on teaching approaches or recruitment and student support, faculty affairs; advocacy for excellence in medical education or research in medical education; bio-medical or health services research.
More Info: Website
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award
Description: The prize will reward outstanding accomplishment in implementing the principles of social accountability in the academic world of health
More Info: Website
Michael Smith Foundation Health Research for Health Research (MSFHR) Health Policy Fellowship Award
Description: This is a salary award for post-doctoral fellows engaged in health research who are interested in preparing for careers in health research and research user roles. Fellows undertake short-term (six to 12 months) policy assignments via placements within the BC Ministry of Health or at one of the province’s health authorities.
More Info: Website
Michael Smith Foundation Health Research for Health Research (MSFHR) Research Trainee Award
Description: These awards support applicants at the post-PhD and post-health professional degree stages to prepare for careers as independent health researchers. Includes an annual stipend and facilitates 75% time commitment to research activities.
More Info: Website
Michael Smith Foundation Health Research for Health Research (MSFHR) Scholar Award
Description: This award is designed to attract and foster the development of outstanding health researchers in British Columbia. The intent of the program is to allow researchers to initiate an independent research career, build a leading research program and expand their potential to make significant contributions to their field of research. The Scholar Program achieves this through contributing a portion of the award recipients’ salaries.
More Info: Website


John F. McCreary Prize
Description: The McCreary Prize has been developed to recognize and promote interprofessional teamwork in the health and human service professions. The prize this year is $1,500 and will be presented to the representative of a group/ hospital/ organization. Travel to and from Vancouver to accept the award will be provided.
  • a nominee must be involved in the provision of health care in British Columbia;
  • the activities forming the basis for the nomination must reflect the cooperation of three or more health or human service disciplines in a manner that demonstrates innovation or excellence, or both; and
  • the activities must demonstrate creative teamwork leading to improved patient care.
More Info: Website
Award for Excellence in Interprofessional Education
Description: This award honours an outstanding individual or team that demonstrates effective teaching of interprofessional competencies to students from different health care professions to support excellence in the delivery of patient-centred care. The Interprofessional Education Teaching Award consists of $500.00 which will be presented to an educator of health and human service pre-entry to practice students.
Eligibility: Faculty or non-faculty appointed instructors who have taught a university-based interprofessional course for at least two years.
More Info: Website
Outstanding Leadership in Advancing Interprofessional Education & Professional Development Award
Description: This award honours an outstanding individual or health care team that promotes professional development in the areas of collaborative teaching among different health-care professionals and/or collaborative patient-centred practice to support excellence in the delivery of patient-centred care. The Award for Advancing Interprofessional Education and Professional Development consists of $500.00 which will be presented to an individual, team or project in an educational or practice setting.
Eligibility: The award recognizes an individual or individuals from community, hospital or university based settings, whose unique and innovative contribution has had a significant impact on the development of interprofessional education of colleagues, educators, or professionals within the province of British Columbia.
More Info: Website


Distinguished University Scholar Program
Description: This program recognizes exceptional members of faculty who have distinguished themselves as scholars in research and/or teaching and learning, or who have the potential to demonstrate such leadership. Faculty of Medicine will put forward its three strongest candidates. Awardees receive an annual salary stipend of $20,000 and a one-time research allowance of $20,000. The appointment is a five-year term, renewable once.
More Info: Website
Killam Research Prize
Description: Up to ten prizes will be awarded to full time faculty members in recognition of outstanding research and scholarly contributions. All fields of research are included. Five prizes are awarded for the types of scholarly activity associated with NSERC and CIHR, and five for the types associated with SSHRC and the Canada Council. At least three prizes in each of the groups are allocated to faculty in the Senior Category (faculty members who have held their final degree for more than 12 years as of the closing date for nominations), but typically at least one junior prize is also awarded.
More Info: Website
Jacob Biely Research Prize
Description: All fields of research are eligible. The prize, comprised of $1,500 and a certificate, is awarded annually to a UBC faculty member for a distinguished record of research. Faculty members may not apply for the Biely Prize on their own behalf; two to three tenure track faculty members in the nominee’s Faculty must nominate them.
More Info: Website
Charles McDowell Award
Description: Medal presented to an outstanding young faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in pure or applied scientific research
More Info: Website


Margaret Fulton Award
Description: This award is granted to an outstanding individual (student, faculty, or staff) who has made a contribution to student development and the university community in honour of her commitment to university access and student learning.
More Info: Website
Peter Larkin Award
Description: This award is granted to a graduate program or department that has contributed to student development in honour of his commitment and passion for teaching and graduate education and justice.
More Info: Website


Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Description: The UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are available for most fields of research. It was Mrs. Killam's desire that those selected to receive fellowships: "be likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in a profession. A Killam scholar should not be a one-sided person... Special distinction of intellect should be founded upon sound character." The number of new awards offered each year presently varies between three and five. The award has a $50,000 annual stipend for a maximum of two years, plus a travel research allowance of $4,000 over two years.
Eligibility: Includes that applicants have completed all requirements of their PhD no more than 24 months prior to the anticipated fellowship start date.
More Info: Website
Killam Teaching Prize for Graduate Instruction
Description: The Killam Teaching Prize is awarded annually to faculty nominated by students, colleagues and alumni in recognition of excellence in teaching. The Killam Teaching Prize is adjudicated within each Faculty.
Eligibility: Full-time, part-time or clinical faculty members who have demonstrated sustained teaching excellence over a period of at least 10 years.
More Info: Website
Killam Awards for Excellence in Mentoring
Description: The Killam Awards for Excellence in Mentoring are based on sustained mentorship of numerous graduate students over many years. The awards will be adjudicated by a committee chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Killam General Endowment at the University of British Columbia, as administered by the Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic, provides the funds for the awards.
Eligibility: All continuing academic staff members with a clinical, tenure or grant tenure appointment at the University of British Columbia are eligible to be nominated. Nominees may be at any stage in their academic career, but one award will recognize faculty members in the mid-career category – that is, for those who have held university appointments for up to 11 years – and the other will recognize faculty members in the senior category – that is, for those with 12 or more years of university service.
More Info: Website


Innovative Dissemination of Research Award
Description: This Award focuses on new and innovative ways of communicating and disseminating knowledge. The Award honors UBC faculty, staff and students who are expanding the boundaries of research through the creative use of new tools and technologies that enhance the research findings being disseminated.
More Info: Website


Alumni Award of Distinction
Description: This award recognizes a UBC alumnus whose accomplishments in the arts, athletics, business, research, the not-for-profit sector, or other areas have made an outstanding contribution to the community and UBC. The recipient must have a UBC degree or be an honorary alumnus.
Eligibility: The recipient must have a UBC degree or be an honorary alumnus.
More Info: Website
Global Citizenship Award
Description: This award recognizes a UBC alumnus who has made a significant contribution to the global community through one or more of the following: research, teaching, social, cultural or artistic innovation, healthcare, economic development, human rights and environmental protection.
Eligibility: The recipient must have a UBC degree or be an honorary alumnus.
More Info: Website
Outstanding Faculty Community Service Award
Description: This award recognizes a UBC faculty member or professor emeritus who has rendered outstanding community service in areas other than teaching and research. The recipient need not be a UBC alumnus.
Eligibility: UBC faculty member or professor emeritus. The recipient need not be a UBC alumnus
More Info: Website
Blythe Eagles Volunteer Leadership Award
Description: This award honours an alumnus, honorary alumnus, or group of alumni who have shown extraordinary leadership in support of UBC.
Eligibility: UBC alumnus, honorary alumnus, or group of alumni
More Info: Website
Outstanding Young Alumnus Award
Description: This award is presented to a UBC alumnus under 35 (before December 31 of award year) whose endeavours in research, the not-for-profit sector, business, athletics, the arts, or other areas worthy of recognition bring honour to UBC.
Eligibility: UBC alumnus
More Info: Website


B.C. Quality Awards
Description: The B.C. Quality Awards celebrate people and projects that improved the quality of health care in BC. Categories include Excellence in Quality: Living with Illness; Staying Healthy; Getting Better; and Coping with End of Life.
More Info: Website


CAME-Ian Hart Award for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education
Description: Established in 1992 in honor of Dr. Ian Hart, founder of CAME, this award recognizes senior faculty who have made an exceptional contribution to medical education throughout their academic career.
Eligibility: Nominees must be CAME members, and each nomination must be made by CAME members. Members currently serving on the CAME Executive, CAME Board of Directors or the CAME Awards Committee are not eligible. Nominations must be formally resubmitted each yearThe CAME Awards Committee will evaluate candidates based on:

  • Teaching activities (quantity, breadth, quality)
  • Research activities in medical education (quantity, funds received, quality)
  • Scientific presentations in medical education (local, provincial, national, and international meetings)
  • Scientific publications in medical education
  • Development or implementation of educational innovations (degree of innovation, breadth of the innovations, acting as a catalyst, etc)
  • Demonstration of leadership in medical education (local, provincial, national and international)
  • Demonstration of administrative abilities and duties at the local, provincial, national and international levels.
  • Impact of the candidate's activities (local, provincial, national, and international)
More Info: Website
Meridith Marks New Educator Award
Description: This award, named in honour of Dr. Meridith Marks, recognizes individuals in the first phase of their professional career (i.e., within seven years of first academic appointment) who have made a significant contribution to medical education.
Eligibility: Nominees must be CAME members, and each nomination must be made by CAME members. Members currently serving on the CAME Executive, CAME Board of Directors or the CAME Awards Committee are not eligible. Nominations must be formally resubmitted each yearThe CAME Awards Committee will evaluate candidates based on:

  • Teaching activities (quantity, breadth, quality)
  • Research activities in medical education (quantity, funds received, quality)
  • Development or implementation of educational innovations (degree of innovation, breadth of the innovations, acting as a catalyst, etc)
  • Scholarly activities in medical education (e.g., research, scientific presentations in medical education at local, provincial and national meetings)
  • Impact of the candidate's activities (e.g. local, provincial, national)
  • Research activities in medical education (quantity, funds received, quality)
  • Demonstration of leadership in medical education (local, provincial, national)
  • Demonstration of administrative abilities and duties at the local, provincial, national and international levels.
  • Scientific presentations in medical education (local, national, international meetings).
  • Scientific publications in medical education.
More Info: Website


Award of Excellence in Mental Health and Quality Improvement
Description: This award will honour a hospital, health authority, community based mental health and addictions program/service, or a leader in the field that demonstrates evidence-informed and sustained quality improvements (QI) in the area of mental health and addictions.
More Info: Website
Celebrating the Human Spirit Award
Description: This award recognizes and honours the meaningful contributions of individuals or teams, who provide health services, for acts of caring and compassion that go above and beyond the call of duty, which inspire others and have a profound and lasting impact. This can be interpreted broadly to include any act that improves an individual patient’s health and/or spirit, the lives of the patient’s family and/or the community.
More Info: Website
Excellence in Patient Safety Award
Description: Formerly known as the Healthcare Safety Award, this award recognizes individuals and/or teams that are committed to improving workplace and /or patient safety within the healthcare environment, through leadership, culture, best practices, innovation and change management expertise.
More Info: Website
Mentorship Award
Description The nominee must be a member of the College. The successful nominee will be viewed by the profession as a recognized leader who, through dedicated service, has made a substantial contribution to health care mentorship within their own organization and/or within the health system.
More Info: Website
3M Health Care Quality Team Awards
Description: This award recognizes four important elements: innovation, quality, patient/family engagement and teamwork.
Eligibility: Quality improvement initiative(s) across a health system: This category honours quality improvement initiatives focussed on health system redesign resulting in transitions and/or integration across the continuum of care, between two or more organizations, service networks or partners.
More Info: Website
Innovation Award for Health Care Leadership
Eligibility: This award recognizes the outstanding capabilities and achievements of a College member in an executive leadership role who has made innovation a focal point of his or her organization’s strategy in order to create high impact results.
More Info: Website
Robert Zed Young Health Leader Award
Description This award is presented to a young Canadian healthcare leader (40 years of age or younger) who has demonstrated leadership in improving the effectiveness and sustainability of Canada’s health system.
More Info: Website


Patient Safety Champion Awards
Description: Recognizes champions of patient safety – organizations who demonstrated exemplary leadership and collaboration to champion change and achieved safer care through patient/family engagement.
More Info: Website
Legacy of Leadership Award
Description: The Legacy of Leadership Award recognizes exceptional individuals who have made long-lasting and outstanding contributions to advancing Canada’s health system and have demonstrated significant and sustained commitment toward the enhancement of the health of Canadians.
More Info: Website


CIHR Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research
Description: The CIHR Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research is a career achievement award that honours and recognizes an exceptional researcher in the area of health services and policy research who has created a seminal body of work that has had a substantial impact on health services and policy research, policy and/or care delivery.
  • The nominee must be an independent researcher.
  • The nominee must be registered at an eligible institution.
  • The nominee must have at least 10 years of experience as an independent investigator and currently hold a full-time position within a Canadian academic, hospital, not-for-profit or governmental institution or affiliated research institution.
  • The nominee must be nominated by a member of the Canadian health research community and be endorsed by the executive head of the candidate's institution (e.g. President, Provost, Rector, etc. depending on the institution). Current members of the CIHR Governing Council, CIHR Scientific Directors and CIHR staff are not eligible for this prize. Candidates may be nominated on more than one occasion provided that they continue to meet the eligibility requirements. Nominees who were not successful in a previous competition may be nominated by submitting a new full and updated nomination.
More Info: Website
IHSPR Article of the Year Award
Description: The CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) is dedicated to supporting the advancement of health services and policy research in Canada. This award is intended to recognize published research in a peer-reviewed journal that has significantly contributed to the advancement of the field of health services and policy research in Canada.
Eligibility: The award will be granted to the lead author on the top article
More Info: Website


Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice
Description: The Commonwealth Fund invites promising mid-career professionals—academic researchers, clinicians, hospital and insurance managers, government policymakers, and journalists— from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom to apply for a unique opportunity to spend up to 12 months in the United States as a Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice. Fellows work with leading U.S. experts to study a critical issue on the health policy agenda in both the U.S. and their home country. A rich program of seminars organized by the Fund throughout the year further enhances the fellowship experience.
Eligibility: The fellowship is open to mid-career professionals who are committed to improving health policy and practice through research, policy analysis, health services, or clinical leadership and are at a stage of professional development where the fellowship experience could have a significant impact on their career trajectory. Applicants must be citizens of Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom. Applicants who are not citizens of the country from which they are applying must have permanent residency and have lived in that country for at least the last three years. Such applicants must also be committed to pursuing careers in the country from which they are selected.
More Info: Website
Australian-American Health Policy Fellowships
Description: Undergoing review, not offered in 2017-18
More Info: Website


More Info: Website

The Canada Gairdner Global Health Awards
Description: The Canada Gairdner Global Health Award is directed at health issues pertaining to developing countries. It recognizes those who have made major scientific advances in any one of four areas; namely basic science, clinical science or population or environmental health. These advances must have, or have potential to make a significant impact on health outcomes in the developing world. Nominations for leadership and administration however outstanding, do not fall within the parameters of this award. The long-term goal of this prize is to reward and stimulate members of the global scientific and medical community to undertake research that will lead to advances valuable to the health of nations.
Eligibility: The purpose of the Canada Gairdner Global Health Award is the recognition of individual whose seminal scientific work constitutes a discovery or a highly tangible sustained achievement toward improving our knowledge of and application to global health, to generate scientific momentum in the field, and to augment public awareness. Awards are made to residents of any country without restriction of gender, race, religion, creed or nationality.
More Info: Website
Canada Gairdner International Award
Description: The Foundation's aim is to honour and reward outstanding biomedical scientists who have made original contributions to medicine with the ultimate goal of contributing through research to the conquest of disease and relief of human suffering. The Foundation invites the scientific community to nominate qualified scientists from every branch of biomedicine.
Eligibility: Awards are made to residents of any country without restriction of gender, race, religion, creed or nationality.
More Info: Website
Canada Gairdner Wightman Award
Description: A special annual award of $100,000 will be given to a Canadian who, in the opinion of the Foundation, has demonstrated outstanding leadership in medicine and medical science consistent with the purpose of the Foundation. Guidelines include:

  • Leadership has led to development and transformation of a medical scientific field, now recognized for its quality nationally and internationally.
  • Leadership has translated clinical discoveries into widespread clinical applications and led to major impact in understanding and treatment or prevention of disease.
  • Leadership as an exceptional builder of health research institutions/organizations or a sustained effective champion that has stayed enhanced in the vitality of research locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Leadership through mentoring that has led to the development of excellent scientists and the next generation of biomedical leaders.
  • Leadership in innovation as in shaping health research policy or practice, nationally and internationally and/or in entrepreneurship in commercialization of research.
Eligibility: The nominee will be a physician or scientist of high quality at national and international levels.
More Info: Website


McLaughlin Award
Description: The McLaughlin Medal was established in 1978 by the RSC through the generosity of the R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation to recognize distinguished achievement in medical sciences in Canada. The medal is awarded for important research of sustained excellence in any branch of medical sciences. The gold plated silver medal is awarded every year if there is a suitable candidate.
More info: Website
Miroslaw Romanowski Medal
Description: The medal is awarded for significant contributions to the resolution of scientific aspects of environmental problems or for important improvements to the quality of an ecosystem in all aspects - terrestrial, atmospheric and aqueous - brought about by scientific means. The bronze medal and a cash amount of $3,000 are awarded every year if there is a suitable candidate. An annual lecture series for the award recipient is also associated to the medal.
More info: Website

Please note: If you are aware of other awards for which FACULTY may be eligible, please contact SPPH Senior Communications Specialist.